If you have questions relating to educational options in Alberta email:,  and we will attempt to have an informed volunteer respond to your email and connect with you.

Educational Freedom Pillars 

  1. Whereas the rights to freedom of conscience, religion, thought, belief, expression, and the position of the family are enshrined in the Canadian Bill of Rights (1960), the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1982), and in Alberta, the Alberta Bill of Rights (2015), these fundamental freedoms are to be protected rather than granted by government.  
  2. Whereas, consistent with these constitutional documents, many Alberta parents have the strong, and in some cases religious conviction that they are primarily responsible for the development of their children’s education, it must therefore be fundamental to education in the province of Alberta that parents and guardians have the responsibility for the content and underlying teaching philosophies and ideologies that guide their children’s education. 
  3. It is imperative that parental educational choices be supported by diverse approaches to learning, including, but not limited to, home education, private schools, charter schools, and public schools. Parents must have access to both public and private educational opportunities without giving up the freedom to direct the content and character of their children’s schooling.


We affirm that every child has a fundamental right to education regardless of race, gender, religion, or socio-economic status, and that parents must remain the primary arbiter of each child’s education. 

We deny that government supported school divisions, superintendents, administrators, directors, advisors, teachers, employees, and unions have the jurisdiction or authority to negotiate or overrule the rights and responsibilities of parents regarding their children’s education.


We affirm that public education is an act of public trust funded through taxation which places Alberta Education under the proprietorship of the citizens of Alberta and that public funds must follow each child to support the type of education chosen by his or her parents.

We further affirm that government, in accordance with public trust, can play a critical role in administration and support of the organization, funding, and infrastructure of education, but that this be done with full accountability and transparency.  

Finally, we affirm that Alberta parents have the right to reject government-sponsored educational institutions and to establish their own schools, with equal funding by government.

We deny that government, or its school divisions, superintendents, administrators, directors, advisors, teachers, employees, and unions have the right to act as a private or corporate entity to utilize public funding as payment for services they own or control.